Sep 30, 2012

BR 2-02: The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs

They were very poor but they had everything they needed. (p.9)

I think this story is very instructive. I like Tom and Elena when they were poor. They were living in humble circumstances. Though I thought that I wanted to live a life like them … I don't know why the goose laid golden eggs, but it might become so that it was given little support for their modest life. However, they became greedy. I was disappointed. I believed that Elena would not change. Finally, Tom and Elana were blinded by geed. The goose was killed. It was very sorrowful. They cannot come back in those days when even poverty was happy.


 Mackinnon, Mairi. (2006). The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs. London, England: Usborne.
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Sep 29, 2012

BR 2-01: The Monster Gang

He couldn't see without his glasses and had to wear them over his costume. (p.28)

First of all, I was surprised at their thought to play a gang because they did not have anything to do. I think children's idea is interesting. However, I think that it looks slightly interesting.

I have one question. On earth how long would there be the genuine monster in a tree house? Did he settle down there since before Ben gathered? Or he found Ben who played the part of a monster and did steal? In either case, I am reliable because it was not the monster which is bad for fear of him.


 Everett, Felicity. (2002). The Monster Gang. London, England: Usborne.
[120 words]


Yesterday, I had only one class. It was second period, so I went home once, and I went downtown. I returned the DVD which I borrowed in TSUTAYA. After that, I went Mr.Doughnut because it is  doughnut half price sale there now. I bought eight doughnuts, and went home. I ate them with my mother as a lunch. It was very good!

From at 7:00 p.m., AMETALK SPECIAL started! This program is always broadcasted on Thursday, but this time, it is on Friday for some reason. I have a part-time job on every Thursday, so I was glad to watch it! Yesterday's bundle were "love studying", "club activities, but was filling a vacancy" and "weak in girls". I like Ariyoshi Hiroiki very much! He was very cute yesterday...! I am looking forward to watching LONDON HEARTS SPECIAL next Tuesday(^o^)♪
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Typing Homework 1: My favorite animals

I like animals. My favorite animal is cat! I want to have pet cats. Cats are very cute and capricious. I like these points of cats. I have never had cats, so I come in contact with them in friend's house or pet shop or on the street. There are many stray cats near my house. I usually try to contact with them, but they are extremely cautious. I want to be friend with them. I also like dogs. They are always vigorous unlike a cat. I like Shibaken the best. They are loyal dogs. I look forward to going for a walk if I will keep a dog in the future. There are many animals that I like. For example, rabbits, hamsters, turtles, iguanas, and more.
[127 words]

Sep 18, 2012

T O K Y O ! :)

Hello! The long summer vacation is drawing to a close. Did you enjoy summer? I had big event in this summer. That is trip to Tokyo! I am going to write about this trip from now. I went to Tokyo from September 14th through 16th. I went there with my friend Yuka. We are friend since we were students of junior high school. I was looking forward to going to Tokyo very much.

On September 14th, I and Yuka met at Koutsu-center at 8:00 a.m. We went by bus to Kumamoto airport and left baggage and I received baggage check and got on the 10:25 airplane. I drank consomme soup. I think the consomme soup which is taken out in a plane is very good. At about 12:30, we arrived at Haneda airport. We took the reservation of the hotel in Oi-machi, but I ate lunch at an airport because there was the bus which had a direct line to Oi-machi only as for one of them an hour, so we left airport for Oi-machi at 1:40 p.m. After that, we arrived and checked into the hotel. Our room was the 25th floor! I like a high place very much, so I was glad. After we left our baggage in room, we had to meet Shinnosuke and Kagemichi at Shinagawa Station. They are friends since we were students of junior high school, too. We are very good friends. They goes universities in Tokyo and live in Tokyo, so they guided us Tokyo. However, I and Yuka did not know a way and went to the opposite direction with Shinagawa Station, and time hung even more. We thought Tokyo is difficult...! After all, we could meet in Shinagawa Station. Then, we went many cities. (Actually, detailed do not remember where I went around in three days because I reach them because it was all one could do (^ω^;) So, I write it as far as I remember it!) First, we went Shibuya. I wanted to go there. There were a lot of people in Shibuya. I was very surprised! We went Shibuya PARCO. There is my favorite shop. I wanted to buy something there, but the thing which thought that I wanted me gave it up tearfully because nothing was its size. After that, we went BOOK OFF in Shibuya. I wanted to go there, too. I bought comics there. I was glad because there was not it in Kumamoto. There is Yoshimoto Mugendai Hall near BOOK OFF. It is a theater where a young entertainer of Yoshimoto appears every day. They sell tickets which remained in front of a theater. I know a man who sells tickets. He is Anthony. He is an American and a Japanese person of mixed parentage, but the appearance is American. I talked with him, but Yuka and Shinnosuke were surprised. After dispersed with Anthony, we went to Yuraku-cho. We went LOFT and MUJIRUSHI RYOUHIN. We looked around shops. I discovered pretty umbrella. I was at a loss whether I bought it, but did not buy it after all. After shopping, we took dinner in MUJIRUSHI. It was nice, but I thought it was little expensive.

After dinner, we walked for digestion from Yurakucho to Yotsuya. The anti-nuclear power generation demonstration by the citizen was carried out in the journey. We look the Diet Building and the Metropolitan Police Department. We took some pictures.

After we arrived Yotsuya, we went back to hotel at about 12:00 a.m.. I was very tired, but I couldn't sleep well (×_×)

On September 15th, I got up at 6:45 a.m. I got ready to go out and went to MacDonald. We ate breakfast there and went to Shinagawa Station. We met Shinnosuke and Kagemichi, and we went Mitaka. There is GHIBLI MUSEUM.

Yuka loves GHIBLI very much, so she was so excited. GHIBLI MUSEUM was very beautiful and like a labyrinth. We spent many time there. We bought GHIBLI goods, and ate ice cream and hot dogs. After left GHIBLI MUSEUM, we went to Yoyogi. There is a shop which sells cookies. The boxes of cookies are so cute. Yuka bought three boxes. After that, we went to Meguro. Yuka bought new bag. She likes a color of mustard, so the new bag's color is mustard^^ After that, we went to BIC CAMERA in Shinjuku and TOKYU. I bought souvenir there. After that, we went to IKEA in Funabashi. However, I didn't want to go there, so I went LaLaport alone, and went back to hotel earlier. I could sleep this day!

On September 16th, I got up 7:00 a.m. I got ready and checked out hotel and went to Hamamatsu-cho. We went to Gakugeidaigaku. Yuka wanted to go a tailor's shop, but the shop opens at 1:00 p.m., so we walked around to kill time. We went to TSUTAYA. Yuka bought a magazine. We went STARBUCKS CAFE. After that, we went a tailor's shop and Yuka bought new cloth. Shinnosuke, Kagemichi and I chose one. After that, we went back to Hamamatsu-cho, and went Haneda airport by a monorail. I got on a monorail for the first time! After we arrived Haneda airport, we left baggage and took lunch. Meanwhile, the time when an airplane left approached. I wanted to regret a parting trace more, but have come in no time to the gate position without such a time. Parting was too sad, and I have cried a little. Thank Shinnosuke and Kagemichi for their help very much for three days. We left Tokyo at 3:55 p.m. and we arrived Kumamoto at about 6:00 p.m.

My trip to Tokyo was very substantial. I love Yuka, Shinnosuke and Kagemichi. I want to go to Tokyo again!!
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Vacation Topics: Something special I did during this vacation

My big event during summer vacation was trip to Tokyo! I went to Tokyo from September 14th through 16th. I went there with my friend Yuka. We are friend since we were students of junior high school. I was looking forward to going to Tokyo very much. We went many places in Tokyo. For example, we went to Shinjuku, Shibuya, Shinagawa, Kasumigaseki, Hamamatsu-cho, Yuraku-cho, Mitaka, Kichijoji, Yoyogi, Meguro and more. We walked around cities of Tokyo, so I was very tired. However, this trip was very interesting! I want to go to other cities and I want to go shopping, so I want to go to Tokyo again!
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Sep 4, 2012

Vacation Topics: Good and bad points about summer

I think summer is good because we have summer vacation! We don't have to get up early, and we can meet friends in downtown all day. There are many exciting things in summer, too. For example, sea, swimming pools, fireworks, festivals, camps, and more. However, there are some bad points in summer. First, it is very very hot!! Many people become heatstroke. It is very danger. Moreover, people sweat if hot. I hate to sweat! Second, we get suntan by severe sunlight. I don't want to get suntan, so I don't bare my arms and feet, and apply sunscreen to my face. I like summer, but I want it to be autumn early.
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Vacation Topics: How I study during the vacation

First, I study English by foreign films. I can see them on TV. I saw Roman Holiday yesterday. It was superimposed on a film. I listen lines in English and read subtitles in Japanese. There are really a few difference between lines and the subtitles speaking, but we can understand the rough meaning. It is interesting. I think that the work of the translator is splendid. Second, I check website of newspaper company. Of course, the website is run in English. We use that website at the time of class of the Reading. I can study English and know news in Japan. However, there are many words that I don't know, so I want to expand my vocabulary.
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