Jul 22, 2012

Who are they? Part 5

Hello! I give a new quiz after a long time. Last time's answer is Bananaman! They appear many TV programs recently. I love them!

Then, here is today's quz! Who are they?↓

They are on the same program regulaly. I like the program. I think people that watch this program understand.

Then, please guess this answer! I will tell you answer next time. Thank you.

[65 words]

BR 1-15: Tigger Comes to the Forest

"But I think," said Piglet to Pooh, "that he's been strengthened quite enough." (p. 48)

I chose this book because I knew Pooh. He is famous character of Disney. I like him, so I read this book.

Tigger who is a friend of Pooh appeared in this book. I think he is a clown. He wandered to search some foods for his breakfast. Pooh and his friends tried to give some food for him. I think they are very kind. However, Tigger couldn't eat all of them, so I came to get irritated. He should eat them without picking and choosing.

Finally, he ate Roo's Extract of Malt. Tigger come to like it and Roo was happy because he don't like it. However, I think it is bad for Kanga. Mother is anxious about a child always. Tigger shouldn't eat Roo's medicine.


 Krensky, Stephen. (2002). Tigger Comes to the Forest. New York, NY: Puffin Easy-to-Read edition.

[157 words]

Jul 18, 2012

Essay 1-03b: Language Learning History

I am going to write about my language learning history. I have learned some languages since my childhood. My parents are both Japanese, so they speaks Japanese. I also usually speak Japanese. However, I can speak and understand English little. Well, I write about my English learning history. After that, I will write about leaning German a little.

My first encounter with English is when I was a child attending kindergarten. An English teacher came our kindergarten. We sang some English songs, and learn English. We enjoyed Christmas party with him. However, I do not remember that thing at that time so clearly. My mother says "he was very good teacher".

After I entered an elementary school, I began to go to KUMON. It was when I was a fourth grader. I learned English and Japanese there. I had to go there on Monday and Thursday a week. I also had many homework. It was very disagreeable for me, but I could learn English. I had to read sentences in English and listen to CDs and pronounce them and take tests. I continued going to there for approximately four years. My English learning level was raised. It was very valuable experience for me. I have begun to come to like English from this time.

I entered a junior high school after I graduated an elementary school. We have English class there, so I faced English classes with confidence. It was easy for me to understand English in a junior high school. I enjoyed to learn English. I came to like English more and more. I think my English teacher was very wonderful to teach English. She made us happy in classes. We could enjoy during learn English. She tried to make classes fun. I was taught English by her for three years. I deeply appreciated her.

I entered a high school. I belonged to synthesis course. I was invited by English course. However, I did not go that course because if I went English course, I had to attend extracurricular classes in morning. I wanted to learn English more harder, but I did not want to attend that, so I decided to learn English in synthesis course. Luckily, my class teachers are English teacher all the time for three years. I could ask some questions, and consult about learning English. Thaks to them, I was able to keep English records with being good.

At last, I entered this university last year. I am in the department of Britain and United States, of course. I have to learn English more deeply. I had five required subjects when I was freshman. They are writing, reading, listening, speaking and English grammar. I learned hard. As a result, I took all credits. I have been learning English. I want to do my best from now on.

By the way, I have learned not only English but also German. I took German class when I was freshman. I was able to choose one from German and French and Spanish and Russian. I chose German. It was very difficult! The pronunciation is similar to English, but It is difficult for me to pronounce German words. The grammar is difficult, too. I had many hardships. However, I could took credit. I want to visit Germany because I want to try whether my German goes properly.

I have learned English since my childhood. I want to continue to learn English. However, I am insufficient to master English. Maybe, my English learning history is useful to learn English harder. I want to make more English learning history from now on.

[601 words]

Jul 15, 2012

Heavy Rain

It rained heavily last Wednesday. On Thursday, I couldn't know that we had to go to university. I decided to go to university for the time being. I went there by bus which go to Suzenji via Kokai. When the bus approached Jougyouji, the bus driver asked us to get off bus. The bus couldn't  pass Kokai. I got off the bus and began to walk. I was going to go to university by walk.

I approached the university, a road was flooded. I was very surprised. There were Rina and Nanako there. We couldn't advance forward. After then, Nanako want back to home. I and Rina continued to wait, and the water subsided. We could advance forward, but mud was still left. We stepped into the mire. Our shoes and feet were smudged with mud, but neighborhood took the trouble to hose down our shoes and feet to get the dirt off. We were very impressed! We felt warm feeling.

After that, we supported the university approximately 30 minutes before a class was over. I took the class, and it was over. Then, campus program flowed. It said "all classes are canceled today". It made us angry because we came the university desperately.

After all, we had to go back home. We got nothing for our pains. No classes on Friday, too. It is troublesome to take make-up classes.

At last, approximately 20 people died by this heavy rain in Kumamoto. I pray their soul may rest in peace.

[250 words]

Jul 11, 2012

BR 1-14: Mouse Tales

"Hello rainbow!" they both said together. (p. 31)

There are seven stories in this book. Hero or heroin of this book are all mice. I think this father has many children.

First story is about wishing well. It is fearful that there is someone in the well. It is uncanny. However, all wishes came true. It is enviable!

Second story is about clouds. I often see sky and clouds. I can see clouds look like anything, but almost all of them is similar to cotton candy. I should have pliable ideas such as the mouse.

Third story is about very tall mouse and very short mouse. They are very good friend! I think maybe very short mouse feel inferior to very tall mouse, but he isn't! They will be good friends for a long time!

Fourth story is about the mouse and the winds. I thought that winds are irresponsible, but the mouse could live good place by them. When the mouse ride a boat, he should row.

Fifth story is about the journey. First of all, the distance from the mouse's house to a house of mother is too long! They should live near. It is surprising that he could change his feet! It is very strange.

Sixth story is about the old mouse. I also like a walk, and I dislike children, but I don't treat them cruelly. He could know the value of consideration.

Final story is about the bath. I think the mouth very audacious. I dislike him. He wasted many water. It is bad for the environment.

There are many individualism mice in this story. Please read this book!


 Lobel.Arnold. (1972). Mouse Tales. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
[282 words]

Jul 8, 2012

BR 1-13: A Snake Mistake

He could not let Jake just lie there. (p. 12)

First of all, I think Farmer Henry is very kind person. He should leave odd snake because he is farmer. Maybe, the snake named Jake ate eggs of Henry's chickens. Jake is a glutton. It serves Jake right. After Jake left the hospital, Henry took Jake to his house. Henry is really good person. I think doctors are witty because they gave the electric bulb which there was in a stomach of John to Henry.

By the way, is it true that chickens become easy to lay an egg when farmer put electric bulbs in the den? If it is true, I am great. It was written in the afterword of this book, "a snake mistake is based on a true story", so an opinion about electric bulbs is probably true.


 Smith, Mavis. (1998). A Snake Mistake.  New York, NY: Puffin Easy-to-Read edition.
[152 words]


Hello! I wrote about Japanese comedy last time. I am going to write about my favorite comic books.

First is "ONE PIECE". Maybe everyone knows this comic. This is very very famous and popular. I love this comic!! I began to read this comic when I was a first grader in junior high school. I collected this comic desperate. I went to book store to buy continuation of this comic when I got money. I think that a dream and hope and an impression of the whole world are jam-packed in this comic. I like Zoro in this comic. He is very cool and strong! He is also little cute. Chopper is popular among many people because he is very lovely. I like him when he is big. I think he has tender heart and brave. Luffy Pirates is very fun. I want them to be happy. I am looking forward to continuation!

Second is "Ookiku-Furikabutte". Do you know this comic? This is a comic about high school baseball. A hero of this comic is Mihashi. He is a pitcher of a team. This team is Nishiura. Nishiura's members are all first graders in high school. Mihashi is very base and cowardly. I get irritated at his way of doing things, but I become to cheer him. I like Abe in this comic. He is a catcher of Nishiura. He has a hot temper, but he is very stoic. I began to read this comic when I was third grader in junior high school. I was interested in high school baseball by this comic. I continue still reading this comic. I became  older than them all too soon, but I still love this comic and high school baseball. I am looking forward to this year's high school baseball.

Third is "Gag-Manga-Biyori". It is a comic full of gags. Many historic figures appear in this comic. For example, Perry, Columbus, Syoutoku-Taishi, Matsuo Basyou, Himiko, Bell, Newton, Mozart, and more. A writer of this comic is Masuda Kousuke. He is probably likes history. I have a good laugh when I read this comic. I want more people to know this comic. Please read this comic! I think that you will have a good laugh :D

There are more my favorite comics, but I am going to finish writing. Please be interested in these comics and read them!

[395 words]

Typing Homework14: Vacation plans

I am looking forward to summer vacation! I will go to Tokyo with my friend. I have never been to Tokyo. I really wanted to go to Tokyo because my friends live there. I want to meet them, so I will meet them in this vacation. My friend who will go to Tokyo with me wants to go to GHIBLI museum. She likes GHIBLI very much, but I am not interested in it much.  I want to go to comedy concert which is held in Shibuya. I have no plan expect going Tokyo, so I have many time in this vacation. I am going to read some books.
[108 words]

Jul 6, 2012

Essay 1-03a: Language Learning History

I am going to write about my language learning history. I have learned some languages since my childhood. My parents are both Japanese, so they speaks Japanese. I also usually speak Japanese. However, I can speak and understand English little. Well, I write about my English learning history. After that, I will write about leaning German a little.

My first encounter with English is when I was a child attending kindergarten. An English teacher came our kindergarten. We sang some English songs, and learn English. We enjoyed Christmas party with him. However, I do not remember that thing at that time so clearly.

After I entered an elementary school, I began to go to KUMON. It was when I was a fourth grader. I learned English and Japanese there. I had to go there on Monday and Thursday a week. I also had many homework. It was very disagreeable for me, but I could learn English. I continued going to there for approximately four years. My English learning level was raised. It was very valuable experience for me. I have begun to come to like English from this time.

I entered a junior high school after I graduated an elementary school. We have English class there, so I faced English classes with confidence. It was easy for me to understand English in a junior high school. I enjoyed to learn English. I came to like English more and more. I think my English teacher was very wonderful to teach English. She made us happy in classes. We could enjoy during learn English.

I entered a high school. I belonged to synthesis course. I was invited by English course. However, I did not go that course because if I went English course, I had to attend extracurricular classes in morning. I wanted to learn English more harder, but I did not want to attend that, so I decided to learn English in synthesis course. Luckily, my class teachers are English teacher all the time for three years. I could ask some questions, and consult about learning English.

At last, I entered this university last year. I am in the department of Britain and United States, of course. I have to learn English more deeply. I had five required subjects when I was freshman. They are writing, reading, listening, speaking and English grammar. I learned hard. As a result, I took all credits. I have been learning English. I want to do my best from now on.

By the way, I have learned not only English but also German. I took German class when I was freshman. I was able to choose one from German and French and Spanish and Russian. I chose German. It was very difficult! The pronunciation is similar to English, but It is difficult for me to pronounce German words. The grammar is difficult, too. I had many hardships. However, I could took credit. I want to visit Germany because I want to try whether my German goes properly.

I have learned English since my childhood. I want to continue to learn English. However, I am insufficient to master English. Maybe, my English learning history is useful to learn English harder. I want to make more English learning history from now on.
[544 words]

Jul 1, 2012

BR 1-12: Frog and Toad Together

"But we can climb the ladder and take the box down from the shelf and cut the string and open the box," said Toad. (p. 39)

I think this book is very popular because originally this series are written in Japanese. I have read this story when I was child. There are five stories in this book.

First is about Toad's list. He is very meticulous. However, I often write a list of things to do when I have many things to do. After all, Toad lost his list by a strong wind, but Frog stayed with him. I think Frog is kind.

Second is about a garden. Frog has a good garden! It takes perseverance to grow flowers, so I think it is not suitable for Toad because he is impatient, but finally, his little green plants were coming up out if the round. It is very good!

Third is about cookies. They can’t stop to eat cookies. I can understand their feelings. I think that they should all eat anyway.

Forth is about bravery. I think fairy tale books are unconvincing. However, people longs to be a brave person. Then, Frog and Toad go to adventure. There are many dangerous things out of house. I think that they were enough safely.

Final story is about dream. I have heard that the dream is an ideal. Possibly Toad has an inferiority complex, but on the other hand, he has affection. I think he is cute because he suspected that Frog might disappear.

After all, they are very good friends. How I envy them!


Lobel,  Arnold. (2006). Frog and Toad Together.  New York, NY: Harper Trophy.
[275 words]