Jan 30, 2013

Writing test!

There are many homework in this class. First, you have to write a lot of things in your blog, so I think that you should write anything when you do. It was very hard work to write blog posts. When you have a material, you should write it as soon as.

Moreover, you have to do typing homework and book review every week. If you have motivation, you should do them all at once. I think BR is interesting and good to learn English, so I recommend you to read little long story.

We wrote many essays in this class, too. We had to write many words in essay. It was very hard! You should think over about each paragraph. May be, you have to write joint essay with your friends. Please cooperate with them.

You have to update proto-portfolio every month. Don’t forget it! You have to count everything, such as amount of your comments. It is important to comment in your friends blog. It is happy if you get comments from your friends, too. You also have to update portfolio elements. I think that you should update it efficiently.

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Jan 23, 2013

Typing Homework 15: My favorite TV programs

I like to watch TV, so I have some favorite TV programs. I like variety programs. First, I like Ametalk. Ametalk is very famous and popular talk program. I watch it every Thursday. Performers gather by a bundle at that time and make talking in this program. There is the enthusiastic thing in the conventional talking theme, but there is the element to be able to laugh at even if I do not understand it. Special programs are broadcasted sometimes, and I look forward to it. Second, I like Lincoln. The program greets the eighth year in this year. I watch it every Tuesday. The performers are very famous, for example, Downtown, Summers, and more. Various plans are done in this program. I like “Great athletic meet of the entertainer”. It is broadcasted every year in summer or autumn. In addition, there are many interesting plans of this program.Third, I like Sengoku Nabe TV. The concept of the program is “the picture which we can learn the history from somehow”. Therefore, we can learn the Warring States period through the program happily. I wanted to know this program when I was high school student! 
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Jan 19, 2013

BR 2-18: Frog and Toad All Year

"I am so glad to be spending Christmas with you." (p.63)

This book is a series of Frog and Toad. I like this series very much, so when I found out this book in a library, I borrow it immediately. I borrowed a book of this series in spring semester, so I wanted to read other stories of this series. In this book, there are five stories.

First story is about winter. I thought frogs hibernate in winter, but Frog in this story is vigorous in winter. They ride on a sled. I have never ridden on a sled, so I want to do it. I think that it will be interesting. Toad returns in anger in the last of the story. I was slightly sad because I thought that close time was more suitable for Frog and Toad.

Second story is about coming of spring. I read this story and felt tender. Frog is a good talker. I thought that it was a story only by the English expression to "around the corner".

Third story is about ice cream. I love chocolate ice cream, too. The ice cream to eat in summer is very delicious! However, it is early to melt when I eat ice cream in summer. I ate ice cream for the middle to return from the university on foot in last summer, but it have melted in no time, so I really sympathize with Toad. It is to be able to say through an overall story, but he has a very handsome character.

Fourth story is about fallen leaves. It is terrible to clean fallen leaves. They were going to clean the dead leaves of the house of the partner secretly each other. I think they are quite considerate. I thought that it was pretty they failed, and to give up after all each other.

Final story is about Christmas. Toad is given to worrying! However, I can understand that feeling. Toad thinks that Frog is his dearest friend. I was impressed by the scene where Toad was going to go to help Frog. I want there to be them in good friends all the time.


Lobel, Arnold. (1976). Frog and Toad All Year. New York, NY: Harper Trophy.
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Typing Homework 14: My favorite shops in downtown

I often go shopping various shops, so I have some favorite shops in downtown. First, I like TSUTAYA. TSUTAYA in downtown is a bookstore and is a rental store and is a general store and is a stationer. When I go to downtown, I go to TSUTAYA anytime. I like bookstore for a long time, especially TSUTAYA. It calms me. I look around the sections of a magazine, novels and comics. I sometimes read at there. When I buy something there, I can use TSUTAYA card. It is nice for me. I can borrow CDs and DVDs there, too. However, I think that the rental fee is slightly expensive, so I borrow CDs or DVDs for during a campaign period. Second, I like Village Vanguard. The shop is on the ninth floor of the Parco. It is a bookstore nominally. However, a lot of miscellaneous goods are sold than a book there. There are many odd goods. The shop is very interesting! I go there frequently, but I rarely buy a thing there. I want to work there. Third, I like Saint Marc Café. I stroll around downtown generally and go there when I am a bit hungry. There are some café such Saint Marc Café, for example, STARBUCKS, Doutor Coffee in downtown. However, I like Saint Marc Café the best. I like Chocolate Croissant of Saint Marc Café. It is very good! I feel happy when I eat it, and drink tea. There are a lot of good shops which I do not yet know in downtown. I want to find them out!

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Jan 17, 2013

Writing Ⅳ

This semester, I have started to write blog post since summer vacation. However, I didn't write so many words. I repent of it. I mean to write everything in summer vacation, but I thought it was troublesome. I wrote almost typing homework posts.

I used new mean to expression in my blog such as Audio boo. It was first experience to record. I was nervous! Moreover, I used power point to essay. It was fresh thing. 

I had a lot of things to do in this semester, too. I wrote more BRs and number of words. I did 17 BRs now. I have to do another one. Moreover, I have to do 2 typing homework. I think doing typing homework of this semester is easier than doing it of last semester because the theme is "my favorite". I was able to write them happily.
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Jan 16, 2013

Writing Ⅲ

I was uneasiness when I gave a mail about BR in spring vacation. When 1st semester started, I was surprised amount of homework. I had a lot of things to do except Writing. For examples, English Central, homework of Reading and my part-time job, so I was very busy. I did many things in 1st semester. I wrote many things in my blog. It was very hard for me, but it is little interesting.

There are many posts in my blog such as essays and BR and typing homework. Reading books of BR was interesting. I could know new vocabulary by books. It was good chance for me. However, typing homework was very terrible. I couldn't write fixed number of words, so I had to add to it. Writing my diary is the easiest homework because there are no regulation. I wrote a lot of things of my life, and I contributed many graphics. I became to search something to write a blog.
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Jan 14, 2013

BR 2-17: Harry and the Lady Next Door

Harry thought it was the most beautiful good-bye song he had ever heard. (p.62)

I think there are some troublesome neighbors everywhere. Besides, they are not often aware that they annoy people of the circumference in most cases. The book which I read this time is such a story. The hero of this story is Harry. He is a dog. He must have suffered a nuisance very much because a hearing ability was better than a human being, as for the dog. I think that the lady next door should have sung in the depths of the house not a window.

Harry repeated trial and error to make the lady next door stop. I think he is very wise dog. Her singing voice would be such noisy... I remembered a character called Jaian who came out to comics called Doraemon. Finally, the lady next door will move to the far-off country to study the song. I seemed to be going to send her with the whole town, but, as a result, will be somewhat happy ending.


Zion,  Eugene. (1960). Harry and the Lady Next Door. New York, NY: Harper Trophy.
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