Oct 7, 2012


Please look it! Do you know "Pure Gummi"? I like this gummi very much, so I often buy and eat this. This gummi usually in the shape of a heart, but shape of a star may extremely rarely enter. I examined how much establishment you entered by in an official site, but was with a secret. However, it is not so always an appearing thing. Then the right side is September 17, and the left side is September 28 when it is said when these two pieces of photographs were taken each. I think that you understand that it is another day because a thumbnail grows. I was happy when I discovery them! Have you discovery shape of a star one?
[121 words]


  1. I like Pure Gumi too:)
    I have seen the shape of heart before,
    but I saw the shape of the star for the first time.
    You are lucky girl!!!

    1. Thank you Hikari!
      Sure enough, I am lucky girl.lol
