Dec 28, 2012

BR 2-16: Fluffy And The Firefighters

The best way to fight fires is to keep them from happening in he first place! (p.37)

I chose this book because the illustlation is so cute, and I thought that it is easy for me to read it. May be, there are some books of this seriese, but I read only this book. Fluffy is a classroom guinea pig. I think Fluffy is too self-conscious, but he is a guinea pig who will listen to reason, too.

Tom and Mike that they appere in this book are firefighters. I think firefighters are very cool and bravery. I have never wanted to become a firefighter, but if I was a boy, I wanted to become a firefighter.


 McMullan, Kate. (1999). Fluffy And  The Firefighters.  New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
[130 words]

Dec 25, 2012

Xmas Party!!! *\(^o^)/*

A Xmas party was held yesterday! I went there. Yesterday, I got up at 12:00 p.m., and I got ready to go. However, as for me, preparations took time unexpectedly because I ate lunch,and I was not able to readily decide what kind of clothes I was dressed in. I finally decided my coordinate, and I went out at 1:30 p.m. I went to downtown, and I met Sahoko and Manami on my way to Thank You Mart. Thank You Mart is our place to meet. I arrived there at 2:00 p.m., Eriko and Hikari have already arrived. The remaining members began to gather, and we each chose the present for present exchange there and bought it.

After that, we went to Hanabata Public Hall. It is karaoke lounge. I have never been to there, so I was excited. There are many strange rooms in Hanabata Public Hall, but our room was common. The member of karaoke was Nana, Asuka, Rina, Manami, Ai, Mitsuki, Sahoko, Eriko, Hikari, Naomi and I. I have not been for a karaoke with people except Nana among the members, so I was very nervous when I sang. Everyone sang, and everyone was good!! We spent about 3 hours there.

After we left karaoke, we had time to dinner a little. So, we took purikura. A game center was crowded. It was worry whether all the members finished being in the purikura because we were large families of 11, but all the members entered somehow.

We went to the bar which we reserved when we left the game center because it was just right time. We went markJ. I went there for the first time. A lot of us ate and drank a lot and talked a lot. Manami ended a part-time job and joined halfway. In the middle stage, we presented it and changed it. I got the present which Rina bought, and Ai got the present which I bought. We ordered many dishes, so we overate myself and got hard. At past half past 9:00 p.m., we brought to a close. We said good-bye. I came home at 10:00 p.m. I was very excited, and I had very good time. Merry Christmas!
[368 words]

Dec 23, 2012

Shopping :)

A winter vacation began!! I was really waited it. Today, I got up at 11:00 a.m. I was very sleepy because I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire until 3:00 a.m., so I wanted to sleep more. However, I decided to go shopping today, so I got up reluctantly. I got ready to go slowly. I went out at 1:00 p.m. I had to have a lunch, so I went Yayoiken. I ate a set meal of hamburger with Japanese seasoning. I like it very much. After I became full, I left yayoiken and I strolled downtown.

First, I went TSUTAYA. I bought a book which is written by Naoki Matayoshi. Do you know him? He is a member of PEACE! He is a comedian, but he likes reading very much, and he has a talent for writing. He wrote many stories in his life, and he published three books. I bought all of his books, and I bought the book of the fourth book which he wrote.

 After I bought it, I went PARCO. A Christmas sale is held in PARCO now. I wanted to buy a new gray duffel coat, so I was looking for it. However, I couldn't discover it. So, I want New-s. There was a gray duffel coat! I tried it on, but it was small for me. I didn't buy it. After that, I strolled downtown  again, and I discovered that there was a gray duffel coat at the storefront of the shop where I happened to pass by. I entered the shop, and I tried it. It was not small, and I liked the coat. I bought it. After that, I felt tired, so I came home. I want to wear a new coat soon!
[294 words]

Dec 16, 2012

BR 2-15: Mr.Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake

And he had a good cat to keep him company. (p.28)

This book is a kind of Mr. Putter and Tabby series. I think baking a cake is very difficult because it takes effort. I can't bake a cake without a cookbook. When I was a high school student, I have got absorbed in the making of cookie, so I think making cookies is interesting. However, I have never baked a cake. Mr. Putter is a challenger. Did he hate a fruitcake such?

I was surprised that Mrs. Teaberry was waiting all the time until Mr. Putter has fallen asleep gets up because I had a hasty image for her for some reason. I thought that how to spend Christmas like them is good.


Rylant, Cynthia. (1994). Mr.Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[138 words]


I gave some mikan from Yuki on last Thursday. I love mikan, so I was very glad. I think mikan and kotatsu bring us the real feeling of winter. It is the best to eat a mikan with a kotatsu. In winter, as for me, a hand yellows by overeating of the mikan.
[53 words]

Dec. 10th & 14th

I met Yuika on December 10th. It had been about three months since I met her last. I wanted to meet Yuika very much, but we had many things to do each other, so we couldn't meet for a long time. We met last Monday after school. I had classes until fifth period, so we met in downtown at about 6:30 p.m. We strolled downtown because I want to buy a new dray duffel coat. However, even if I looked for wherever, I couldn't found a gray duffel coat. At about 8:00 p.m., we felt hungry, so we went Goemon in Tsuruya. I wanted to eat spaghetti of Goemon. I ate peperoncino of octopus and cuttlefish, and Yuika ate meat sauce cliff of the carbonara.

We enjoyed eating and talking. Yuika is working at a snack bar and a shop of nail art. She is very hard worker. Moreover, she is a student of a beautician's  school. I respect her. After we left Tsuruya, we went Festa in the basement of TSUTAYA. We took purikura, and we went home. Yuika drove me home. I want to talk with Yuika all day in a next chance.

On December 14th, I had no class because Mr.Osawa had a official trip. I went downtown to meet Yuki. We promised that we go to lunch. We met at about 11:00 a.m., and we went Center River. We like a hamburger very much! We ate the same hamburger. It was very good, but I could eat more! I want to eat as much as desired!

After lunch, we went karaoke to SHIDAX. We enjoyed karaoke for three hours. Yuki is good at singing, I think every time. I am not good at singing. I want to sing well. After we left SHIDAX, we went MacDonald. We ate French fried because MacDonald held a French fried 150 yen sale. After that, we had a part-time job each other, so we said good-bye. I didn't want to go to the part-time job, but it was very slack.
[340 words]

Essay 2-03b: Joint Movie Review

The member of our group is Nana and Sakura. We worked jointly on this essay. We are going to write about works of Daniel Radcliffe. May be, almost people know about Daniel Radcliffe because he is a star of Harry Potter series. The series are very famous. We watched two movies that he appeared; Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Nana watched Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But he didn’t know he is wizard until he became 11 years old. And with the help of his friend thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents when Harry was one year old. Voldemort possess Quirinus Quirrell. Quirrell can’t take Philosopher’s Stone from The Mirror of Erised but Harry looked it he got the stone easily. Voldemort going to take the stone away from Harry use Quirrell but Quirrell burned to touch Harry. Then he died. Voldemort ran away because he doesn’t have body.

Watched this movie then thought picture and sound are good. This movie is using a lot of computer graphics, so it is powerful and thrilling. The original work is novel, so it is difficult to image. But watching picture for movie and it is fuss over derails so people couldn’t take their eyes off it. It is easy to image if stand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, like this. And Daniel Radcliffe is fit to Harry’s character. He describe Harry very well. And if you watch this movie, you can find Daniel Radcliffe is so young and small than now. If you have watched Harry Potter series, you should watch this movie. It is recommend for who have never watched Harry Potter. It is interesting movie.

Sakura watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This movie is the second work of Harry Potter series. Daniel performed Harry again. Harry grow up than the first work, and became the look that is clear-cut and fearless. This story is about Chamber of Secrets. There was the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There was the legend that a monster of Slytherin was there. In this movie, Harry met Dobby who is a house-elf. Dobby was a key person of this movie. Dobby is a scatterbrain. Moreover, he doesn’t know how to get things done, but he tried to help Harry. He respects Harry and appears even in a later work to help Harry. In the latter half of the story, Harry confronted Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom is Lord Voldemort. He wanted to revive in perfect form. Harry fought basilisk that is a monster of Slytherin. Basilisk was very scary and spooky. A scene of a battle with basilisk was very thrilling! The end of a battle scene, Harry stabbed Riddle’s diary with the tusk of the basilisk.

There are some comical scenes in this movie. For example, Harry and Ron transformed themselves into Goyle and Crabbe with Polyjuice Potion. However, they often commit a blunder because the voices are not changed even if use the Polyjuice Potion.On the other hand, Hermione fails in transformation and becomes a half cat person. And also, Gilderoy Lockhart appeared this movie. He is popular among women by the features that are the great deal of effort. In fact, he has a foolish character. The incantation which he hit for Ron came back to himself, and he was made to lose memory in the end of the movie.

Daniel Radcliffe has finished acting as a star in all of Harry Potter series. He became a very famous actor all over the world. However, it is as Harry Potter. He is too strong in the impression of the position. He continues still energizing, so we wish for that he can play an active role at the forefront. In the future, we will be able to see him on the screen as a new role.


Radcliffe, Mark (Producer). Kloves, Steven (Director). (2001) Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. England, United Stats: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Heyman, David (Producer). Kloves, Steven (Director). (2002) Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, England, United Stats: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.

[736 words]

Typing Homework 12: My favorite drinks

I have some favorite drinks because I am particular about the drinks by foods eating then. First, I like green tea. I often drink it. I drink it when I eat Japanese foods and Japanese sweets. I drink the green tea which I boiled by oneself in the house, but choose Iemon if I buy one from vending machines. Second, I like tea. I like tea than coffee. I like street tea the best. I don’t like lemon tea and milk tea. My favorite tea is Gogo-tea. I love to eat chocolates and cookies, so I drink tea with them. Third, I like fruit juice. I drink it when I feel thirsty, and I finished bathing. I can buy it at a low price in a convenience store. I like grapefruits juice of Gokuri. Gokuri has many kinds of fruit juices. I have never drunk other juices of Gokuri, so I want to challenge.
[154 words]

Dec 9, 2012

BR 2-14: Mr.Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog

He tugged and tugged and tugged. (p.12)

This book is a kind of Mr. Putter and Tabby series. This story is about a walk with Zeke. Zeke is a smart dog, I know, but if he go for a walk, his motivation goes up suddenly. I think it is dog's nature. I have never had a pet dog, but my image of dog is it. However, Zeke is really smart dog because he understood that when he got a reward if he behaved himself immediately.

Mr. Putter considerably had a hard time to walk Zeke, but Mrs. Teaberry does it every day! I think it is very laborious work. People do not take effort cats about it because people do not need to take the cat to the walk.


Rylant, Cynthia. (1994). Mr.Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[143 words]

Essay 2-03a: Joint Movie Review

The member of our group is Nana and Sakura. We worked jointly on this essay. We are going to write about works of Daniel Radcliffe. May be, almost people know Daniel Radcliffe because he is a star of Harry Potter series. We watched movies that he appeared.

Nana watched Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But he didn’t know he is wizard until he became 11 years old. And with the help of his friend thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents when Harry was one year old. Voldemort possess Quirinus Quirrell. Quirrell can’t take Philosopher’s Stone from The Mirror of Erised but Harry looked it he got the stone easily. Voldemort going to take the stone away from Harry use Quirrell but Quirrell burned to touch Harry. Then he died. Voldemort ran away because he doesn’t have body.

Watched this movie then thought picture and sound are good. This movie is using a lot of computer graphics, so it is powerful and thrilling. The original work is novel, so it is difficult to image. But watching picture for movie and it is fuss over derails so people couldn’t take their eyes off it. It is easy to image if stand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, like this. And Daniel Radcliffe is fit to Harry’s character. He describe Harry very well.

Sakura watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This movie is the second work of Harry Potter series. Daniel performed Harry again. You can watch Harry who grow up than the first work, and became the look that is clear-cut and fearless. This story is about Chamber of Secrets. There was the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There was the legend that a monster of Slytherin was there. In this movie, Harry met Dobby who is a house-elf. Dobby was a key person of this movie. Dobby is a scatterbrain. Moreover, he doesn’t know how to get things done, but he tried to help Harry. He respects Harry and appears even in a later work to help Harry. In the latter half of the story, Harry confronted Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom is Lord Voldemort. He wanted to revive in perfect form. Harry fought basilisk that is a monster of Slytherin. Basilisk was very scary and spooky. A scene of a battle with basilisk was very thrilling! The end of a battle scene, Harry stabbed Riddle’s diary with the tusk of the basilisk.

There are some comical scenes in this movie. For example, Harry and Ron transformed themselves into Goyle and Crabbe with Polyjuice Potion. However, they often commit a blunder Because the voices are not changed even if I use the Polyjuice Potion.On the other hand, Hermione fails in transformation and becomes a half cat person. And also, Gilderoy Lockhart appeared this movie. He is popular among women by the features that are the great deal of effort. In fact, he has a foolish character. The incantation which he hit for Ron came back to himself, and he was made to lose memory in the end of the movie.

Daniel Radcliffe has finished acting as a star in all of Harry Potter series. He is a very famous actor all over the world. However, it is as Harry Potter. He is too strong in the impression of the position. He continues still energizing, so we wish for that he can play an active role at the forefront. In the future, we will be able to see him on the screen as a new role.

[636 words]

Dec 8, 2012

A year-end party :)

I held a year-end party with my friends on Thursday. I went the university on the day, and I came back home once. I put baggage and left the house again. We promised that we meet at 6:30 p.m., so I went to downtown in good time. I strolled downtown. I want to buy a new coat. There was a good duffel coat in earth. Earth is in New-s. I am gong to buy it. Yukie worked at JEANASiS. She fits the atmosphere of the shop. It was time, we met in PARCO. The member of this time, Reiko, Ayaka, Haruna and I. First, we went ams to take Purikura.

After that, we went Peony. We went there for the first time. It is the restaurant which just opened. We were guided in the private room. The restaurant was very beautiful! Moreover, the shop assistants were very cute!! I was very happy to see them. The dishes were very delicious! We had a very good time. We ate and drank a lot, and we stayed long, and we talked a lot of things. At 10:00 p.m., we said good-bye each other. We will meet at a new year's party. I look forward to it now!
[205 words]

Typing Homework 11: My favorite foods

I like eating, so I have many favorite foods. First, I like meat. I like beef, pork, and mutton, especially chicken. Chicken is good for health, and it is congenial to other foods. Generally I like the dish which chicken is in. Meat to put in curry is chicken every time in my home. I love a chicken and egg bowl, yakitori and deep-fried chicken! I feel happy when I eat deep-fried chicken. Second, I like spaghetti. I often go to a restaurant to eat spaghetti. I like Goemon. It is a spaghetti restaurant in Tsuruya. The spaghetti of Goemon is worth eating because there is more quantity than the spaghetti of a common restaurant. I like vongole spaghetti the best. Third, I like fruits. I like almost fruits. I am glad that I eat seasonal fruit for me. I eat only a mandarin orange recently. I love citrus fruits such as grapefruits. However, fruits are little expensive, so I can’t eat them frequently.
[164 words]

Dec 7, 2012

Mind-map: joint movie review

Daniel Radcliffe
  • Harry Potter series
    • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
      • the first work of Harry Potter series
    • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
      • the second work of Harry Potter series
    • very famous
    • co-stars
      • Emma Watson
      • Rupert Grint
      • Tom Felton
  • Stages
    • performances
    • TVs
[31 words]

Dec 5, 2012

Free writing

I like Harry Potter series, so I have watched this movie sometimes. This movie is the second work of the Harry Potter series. Harry, Ron and Hermione are best friends. They are the second grader of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They find secret room in Hogwarts.
[49 words]

Dec 4, 2012

Essay prep: joint movie review

I paired with Nana. We watch Harry Potter series. The star is Daniel Radcliffe. Nana is going to write about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I am going to write about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I watched it before.
[43 words]

Dec 2, 2012

BR 2-13: Mr.Putter & Tabby Take the Train

Sometimes her idears were odd and involved running fast, or wearing featheers, or having purple toes. (p.5)

This book is a kind of Mr.Putter and Tabby series. Mr. Putter likes taking the train. I like taking the train, too. I want to ride it long time as possible as I can. I can enjoy seeing views from big window. I agree that the trip to train is fun, but I do not think it is a good idea that they bring pets. Tabby and Zeke are very bright, indeed, but it is a rule that do not bring pets. If there is the person of allergy to animal, how does it turn out in a train? I think that they must follow the rule.


Rylant, Cynthia. (1998). Mr.Putter & Tabby Take the Train. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[139 words]


Today, the finalists of THE MANZAI were decided. THE MANZAI is the biggest meeting to decide the best of the comedian in Japan. M-1 Grand Prix was held every year until two years ago, but it ended. I watched THE MANZAI last year. The champion was PANK BOO BOO. The finalists of this year are them; TEN DOLLAR, WOMAN RUSH HOUR, HAMAKA-N, OJIN OZU BO-N, TRENDY ANGEL, NON STYLE, G-shack, CHIDORI, SUPER MARADONA, ALCO & PEACE, WARAIMESHI. I think there are some not famous comedians in there, but I cheer them. I am looking forward to this meeting. Specifically, please go to the site. ↓

[106 words]

Typing Homewrk 10: My favorite actor and actress

There are many actors and actresses on TV programs, and there are some my favorite actors and actresses, too.
My favorite actor is Kenta Kiritani. I kner him when he appeared in "ROOKIES". He appeared in it as Hiratsuka. Hiratsuka was very funny role. I became to like him then. After "ROOKIES" finished, he appeared in "Meteor's bond". I watched it. It was very interesting. He can act funny role and serious role. I think his gap is very cool!
My favorite actress is Miho Kanno. She is a famous and popular actress in Japan. She appears in many dramas. I liked "Kiina" which was her drama starring. She is appearing “I don’t marry” now. I think that she has high acting ability. She won many prizes. Though she is an actress, she appears in many variety programs. People who acted in the same play by a variety program say that she is an openhearted and good person severally. I think that it must be the truth because good personality oozes out from her. She appears in many commercials, too. I like a commercial of a Suntory highball that she appears. Moreover, she is very cute! I can’t believe that she is 35 years old. I like her very much!

[210 words]