Dec 16, 2012

Dec. 10th & 14th

I met Yuika on December 10th. It had been about three months since I met her last. I wanted to meet Yuika very much, but we had many things to do each other, so we couldn't meet for a long time. We met last Monday after school. I had classes until fifth period, so we met in downtown at about 6:30 p.m. We strolled downtown because I want to buy a new dray duffel coat. However, even if I looked for wherever, I couldn't found a gray duffel coat. At about 8:00 p.m., we felt hungry, so we went Goemon in Tsuruya. I wanted to eat spaghetti of Goemon. I ate peperoncino of octopus and cuttlefish, and Yuika ate meat sauce cliff of the carbonara.

We enjoyed eating and talking. Yuika is working at a snack bar and a shop of nail art. She is very hard worker. Moreover, she is a student of a beautician's  school. I respect her. After we left Tsuruya, we went Festa in the basement of TSUTAYA. We took purikura, and we went home. Yuika drove me home. I want to talk with Yuika all day in a next chance.

On December 14th, I had no class because Mr.Osawa had a official trip. I went downtown to meet Yuki. We promised that we go to lunch. We met at about 11:00 a.m., and we went Center River. We like a hamburger very much! We ate the same hamburger. It was very good, but I could eat more! I want to eat as much as desired!

After lunch, we went karaoke to SHIDAX. We enjoyed karaoke for three hours. Yuki is good at singing, I think every time. I am not good at singing. I want to sing well. After we left SHIDAX, we went MacDonald. We ate French fried because MacDonald held a French fried 150 yen sale. After that, we had a part-time job each other, so we said good-bye. I didn't want to go to the part-time job, but it was very slack.
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