Dec 28, 2012

BR 2-16: Fluffy And The Firefighters

The best way to fight fires is to keep them from happening in he first place! (p.37)

I chose this book because the illustlation is so cute, and I thought that it is easy for me to read it. May be, there are some books of this seriese, but I read only this book. Fluffy is a classroom guinea pig. I think Fluffy is too self-conscious, but he is a guinea pig who will listen to reason, too.

Tom and Mike that they appere in this book are firefighters. I think firefighters are very cool and bravery. I have never wanted to become a firefighter, but if I was a boy, I wanted to become a firefighter.


 McMullan, Kate. (1999). Fluffy And  The Firefighters.  New York, NY: Scholastic Inc.
[130 words]

Dec 25, 2012

Xmas Party!!! *\(^o^)/*

A Xmas party was held yesterday! I went there. Yesterday, I got up at 12:00 p.m., and I got ready to go. However, as for me, preparations took time unexpectedly because I ate lunch,and I was not able to readily decide what kind of clothes I was dressed in. I finally decided my coordinate, and I went out at 1:30 p.m. I went to downtown, and I met Sahoko and Manami on my way to Thank You Mart. Thank You Mart is our place to meet. I arrived there at 2:00 p.m., Eriko and Hikari have already arrived. The remaining members began to gather, and we each chose the present for present exchange there and bought it.

After that, we went to Hanabata Public Hall. It is karaoke lounge. I have never been to there, so I was excited. There are many strange rooms in Hanabata Public Hall, but our room was common. The member of karaoke was Nana, Asuka, Rina, Manami, Ai, Mitsuki, Sahoko, Eriko, Hikari, Naomi and I. I have not been for a karaoke with people except Nana among the members, so I was very nervous when I sang. Everyone sang, and everyone was good!! We spent about 3 hours there.

After we left karaoke, we had time to dinner a little. So, we took purikura. A game center was crowded. It was worry whether all the members finished being in the purikura because we were large families of 11, but all the members entered somehow.

We went to the bar which we reserved when we left the game center because it was just right time. We went markJ. I went there for the first time. A lot of us ate and drank a lot and talked a lot. Manami ended a part-time job and joined halfway. In the middle stage, we presented it and changed it. I got the present which Rina bought, and Ai got the present which I bought. We ordered many dishes, so we overate myself and got hard. At past half past 9:00 p.m., we brought to a close. We said good-bye. I came home at 10:00 p.m. I was very excited, and I had very good time. Merry Christmas!
[368 words]

Dec 23, 2012

Shopping :)

A winter vacation began!! I was really waited it. Today, I got up at 11:00 a.m. I was very sleepy because I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire until 3:00 a.m., so I wanted to sleep more. However, I decided to go shopping today, so I got up reluctantly. I got ready to go slowly. I went out at 1:00 p.m. I had to have a lunch, so I went Yayoiken. I ate a set meal of hamburger with Japanese seasoning. I like it very much. After I became full, I left yayoiken and I strolled downtown.

First, I went TSUTAYA. I bought a book which is written by Naoki Matayoshi. Do you know him? He is a member of PEACE! He is a comedian, but he likes reading very much, and he has a talent for writing. He wrote many stories in his life, and he published three books. I bought all of his books, and I bought the book of the fourth book which he wrote.

 After I bought it, I went PARCO. A Christmas sale is held in PARCO now. I wanted to buy a new gray duffel coat, so I was looking for it. However, I couldn't discover it. So, I want New-s. There was a gray duffel coat! I tried it on, but it was small for me. I didn't buy it. After that, I strolled downtown  again, and I discovered that there was a gray duffel coat at the storefront of the shop where I happened to pass by. I entered the shop, and I tried it. It was not small, and I liked the coat. I bought it. After that, I felt tired, so I came home. I want to wear a new coat soon!
[294 words]

Dec 16, 2012

BR 2-15: Mr.Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake

And he had a good cat to keep him company. (p.28)

This book is a kind of Mr. Putter and Tabby series. I think baking a cake is very difficult because it takes effort. I can't bake a cake without a cookbook. When I was a high school student, I have got absorbed in the making of cookie, so I think making cookies is interesting. However, I have never baked a cake. Mr. Putter is a challenger. Did he hate a fruitcake such?

I was surprised that Mrs. Teaberry was waiting all the time until Mr. Putter has fallen asleep gets up because I had a hasty image for her for some reason. I thought that how to spend Christmas like them is good.


Rylant, Cynthia. (1994). Mr.Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[138 words]


I gave some mikan from Yuki on last Thursday. I love mikan, so I was very glad. I think mikan and kotatsu bring us the real feeling of winter. It is the best to eat a mikan with a kotatsu. In winter, as for me, a hand yellows by overeating of the mikan.
[53 words]

Dec. 10th & 14th

I met Yuika on December 10th. It had been about three months since I met her last. I wanted to meet Yuika very much, but we had many things to do each other, so we couldn't meet for a long time. We met last Monday after school. I had classes until fifth period, so we met in downtown at about 6:30 p.m. We strolled downtown because I want to buy a new dray duffel coat. However, even if I looked for wherever, I couldn't found a gray duffel coat. At about 8:00 p.m., we felt hungry, so we went Goemon in Tsuruya. I wanted to eat spaghetti of Goemon. I ate peperoncino of octopus and cuttlefish, and Yuika ate meat sauce cliff of the carbonara.

We enjoyed eating and talking. Yuika is working at a snack bar and a shop of nail art. She is very hard worker. Moreover, she is a student of a beautician's  school. I respect her. After we left Tsuruya, we went Festa in the basement of TSUTAYA. We took purikura, and we went home. Yuika drove me home. I want to talk with Yuika all day in a next chance.

On December 14th, I had no class because Mr.Osawa had a official trip. I went downtown to meet Yuki. We promised that we go to lunch. We met at about 11:00 a.m., and we went Center River. We like a hamburger very much! We ate the same hamburger. It was very good, but I could eat more! I want to eat as much as desired!

After lunch, we went karaoke to SHIDAX. We enjoyed karaoke for three hours. Yuki is good at singing, I think every time. I am not good at singing. I want to sing well. After we left SHIDAX, we went MacDonald. We ate French fried because MacDonald held a French fried 150 yen sale. After that, we had a part-time job each other, so we said good-bye. I didn't want to go to the part-time job, but it was very slack.
[340 words]

Essay 2-03b: Joint Movie Review

The member of our group is Nana and Sakura. We worked jointly on this essay. We are going to write about works of Daniel Radcliffe. May be, almost people know about Daniel Radcliffe because he is a star of Harry Potter series. The series are very famous. We watched two movies that he appeared; Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Nana watched Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But he didn’t know he is wizard until he became 11 years old. And with the help of his friend thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents when Harry was one year old. Voldemort possess Quirinus Quirrell. Quirrell can’t take Philosopher’s Stone from The Mirror of Erised but Harry looked it he got the stone easily. Voldemort going to take the stone away from Harry use Quirrell but Quirrell burned to touch Harry. Then he died. Voldemort ran away because he doesn’t have body.

Watched this movie then thought picture and sound are good. This movie is using a lot of computer graphics, so it is powerful and thrilling. The original work is novel, so it is difficult to image. But watching picture for movie and it is fuss over derails so people couldn’t take their eyes off it. It is easy to image if stand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, like this. And Daniel Radcliffe is fit to Harry’s character. He describe Harry very well. And if you watch this movie, you can find Daniel Radcliffe is so young and small than now. If you have watched Harry Potter series, you should watch this movie. It is recommend for who have never watched Harry Potter. It is interesting movie.

Sakura watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This movie is the second work of Harry Potter series. Daniel performed Harry again. Harry grow up than the first work, and became the look that is clear-cut and fearless. This story is about Chamber of Secrets. There was the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There was the legend that a monster of Slytherin was there. In this movie, Harry met Dobby who is a house-elf. Dobby was a key person of this movie. Dobby is a scatterbrain. Moreover, he doesn’t know how to get things done, but he tried to help Harry. He respects Harry and appears even in a later work to help Harry. In the latter half of the story, Harry confronted Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom is Lord Voldemort. He wanted to revive in perfect form. Harry fought basilisk that is a monster of Slytherin. Basilisk was very scary and spooky. A scene of a battle with basilisk was very thrilling! The end of a battle scene, Harry stabbed Riddle’s diary with the tusk of the basilisk.

There are some comical scenes in this movie. For example, Harry and Ron transformed themselves into Goyle and Crabbe with Polyjuice Potion. However, they often commit a blunder because the voices are not changed even if use the Polyjuice Potion.On the other hand, Hermione fails in transformation and becomes a half cat person. And also, Gilderoy Lockhart appeared this movie. He is popular among women by the features that are the great deal of effort. In fact, he has a foolish character. The incantation which he hit for Ron came back to himself, and he was made to lose memory in the end of the movie.

Daniel Radcliffe has finished acting as a star in all of Harry Potter series. He became a very famous actor all over the world. However, it is as Harry Potter. He is too strong in the impression of the position. He continues still energizing, so we wish for that he can play an active role at the forefront. In the future, we will be able to see him on the screen as a new role.


Radcliffe, Mark (Producer). Kloves, Steven (Director). (2001) Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. England, United Stats: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Heyman, David (Producer). Kloves, Steven (Director). (2002) Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, England, United Stats: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.

[736 words]

Typing Homework 12: My favorite drinks

I have some favorite drinks because I am particular about the drinks by foods eating then. First, I like green tea. I often drink it. I drink it when I eat Japanese foods and Japanese sweets. I drink the green tea which I boiled by oneself in the house, but choose Iemon if I buy one from vending machines. Second, I like tea. I like tea than coffee. I like street tea the best. I don’t like lemon tea and milk tea. My favorite tea is Gogo-tea. I love to eat chocolates and cookies, so I drink tea with them. Third, I like fruit juice. I drink it when I feel thirsty, and I finished bathing. I can buy it at a low price in a convenience store. I like grapefruits juice of Gokuri. Gokuri has many kinds of fruit juices. I have never drunk other juices of Gokuri, so I want to challenge.
[154 words]

Dec 9, 2012

BR 2-14: Mr.Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog

He tugged and tugged and tugged. (p.12)

This book is a kind of Mr. Putter and Tabby series. This story is about a walk with Zeke. Zeke is a smart dog, I know, but if he go for a walk, his motivation goes up suddenly. I think it is dog's nature. I have never had a pet dog, but my image of dog is it. However, Zeke is really smart dog because he understood that when he got a reward if he behaved himself immediately.

Mr. Putter considerably had a hard time to walk Zeke, but Mrs. Teaberry does it every day! I think it is very laborious work. People do not take effort cats about it because people do not need to take the cat to the walk.


Rylant, Cynthia. (1994). Mr.Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[143 words]

Essay 2-03a: Joint Movie Review

The member of our group is Nana and Sakura. We worked jointly on this essay. We are going to write about works of Daniel Radcliffe. May be, almost people know Daniel Radcliffe because he is a star of Harry Potter series. We watched movies that he appeared.

Nana watched Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But he didn’t know he is wizard until he became 11 years old. And with the help of his friend thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents when Harry was one year old. Voldemort possess Quirinus Quirrell. Quirrell can’t take Philosopher’s Stone from The Mirror of Erised but Harry looked it he got the stone easily. Voldemort going to take the stone away from Harry use Quirrell but Quirrell burned to touch Harry. Then he died. Voldemort ran away because he doesn’t have body.

Watched this movie then thought picture and sound are good. This movie is using a lot of computer graphics, so it is powerful and thrilling. The original work is novel, so it is difficult to image. But watching picture for movie and it is fuss over derails so people couldn’t take their eyes off it. It is easy to image if stand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, like this. And Daniel Radcliffe is fit to Harry’s character. He describe Harry very well.

Sakura watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This movie is the second work of Harry Potter series. Daniel performed Harry again. You can watch Harry who grow up than the first work, and became the look that is clear-cut and fearless. This story is about Chamber of Secrets. There was the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There was the legend that a monster of Slytherin was there. In this movie, Harry met Dobby who is a house-elf. Dobby was a key person of this movie. Dobby is a scatterbrain. Moreover, he doesn’t know how to get things done, but he tried to help Harry. He respects Harry and appears even in a later work to help Harry. In the latter half of the story, Harry confronted Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom is Lord Voldemort. He wanted to revive in perfect form. Harry fought basilisk that is a monster of Slytherin. Basilisk was very scary and spooky. A scene of a battle with basilisk was very thrilling! The end of a battle scene, Harry stabbed Riddle’s diary with the tusk of the basilisk.

There are some comical scenes in this movie. For example, Harry and Ron transformed themselves into Goyle and Crabbe with Polyjuice Potion. However, they often commit a blunder Because the voices are not changed even if I use the Polyjuice Potion.On the other hand, Hermione fails in transformation and becomes a half cat person. And also, Gilderoy Lockhart appeared this movie. He is popular among women by the features that are the great deal of effort. In fact, he has a foolish character. The incantation which he hit for Ron came back to himself, and he was made to lose memory in the end of the movie.

Daniel Radcliffe has finished acting as a star in all of Harry Potter series. He is a very famous actor all over the world. However, it is as Harry Potter. He is too strong in the impression of the position. He continues still energizing, so we wish for that he can play an active role at the forefront. In the future, we will be able to see him on the screen as a new role.

[636 words]

Dec 8, 2012

A year-end party :)

I held a year-end party with my friends on Thursday. I went the university on the day, and I came back home once. I put baggage and left the house again. We promised that we meet at 6:30 p.m., so I went to downtown in good time. I strolled downtown. I want to buy a new coat. There was a good duffel coat in earth. Earth is in New-s. I am gong to buy it. Yukie worked at JEANASiS. She fits the atmosphere of the shop. It was time, we met in PARCO. The member of this time, Reiko, Ayaka, Haruna and I. First, we went ams to take Purikura.

After that, we went Peony. We went there for the first time. It is the restaurant which just opened. We were guided in the private room. The restaurant was very beautiful! Moreover, the shop assistants were very cute!! I was very happy to see them. The dishes were very delicious! We had a very good time. We ate and drank a lot, and we stayed long, and we talked a lot of things. At 10:00 p.m., we said good-bye each other. We will meet at a new year's party. I look forward to it now!
[205 words]

Typing Homework 11: My favorite foods

I like eating, so I have many favorite foods. First, I like meat. I like beef, pork, and mutton, especially chicken. Chicken is good for health, and it is congenial to other foods. Generally I like the dish which chicken is in. Meat to put in curry is chicken every time in my home. I love a chicken and egg bowl, yakitori and deep-fried chicken! I feel happy when I eat deep-fried chicken. Second, I like spaghetti. I often go to a restaurant to eat spaghetti. I like Goemon. It is a spaghetti restaurant in Tsuruya. The spaghetti of Goemon is worth eating because there is more quantity than the spaghetti of a common restaurant. I like vongole spaghetti the best. Third, I like fruits. I like almost fruits. I am glad that I eat seasonal fruit for me. I eat only a mandarin orange recently. I love citrus fruits such as grapefruits. However, fruits are little expensive, so I can’t eat them frequently.
[164 words]

Dec 7, 2012

Mind-map: joint movie review

Daniel Radcliffe
  • Harry Potter series
    • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
      • the first work of Harry Potter series
    • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
      • the second work of Harry Potter series
    • very famous
    • co-stars
      • Emma Watson
      • Rupert Grint
      • Tom Felton
  • Stages
    • performances
    • TVs
[31 words]

Dec 5, 2012

Free writing

I like Harry Potter series, so I have watched this movie sometimes. This movie is the second work of the Harry Potter series. Harry, Ron and Hermione are best friends. They are the second grader of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They find secret room in Hogwarts.
[49 words]

Dec 4, 2012

Essay prep: joint movie review

I paired with Nana. We watch Harry Potter series. The star is Daniel Radcliffe. Nana is going to write about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I am going to write about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I watched it before.
[43 words]

Dec 2, 2012

BR 2-13: Mr.Putter & Tabby Take the Train

Sometimes her idears were odd and involved running fast, or wearing featheers, or having purple toes. (p.5)

This book is a kind of Mr.Putter and Tabby series. Mr. Putter likes taking the train. I like taking the train, too. I want to ride it long time as possible as I can. I can enjoy seeing views from big window. I agree that the trip to train is fun, but I do not think it is a good idea that they bring pets. Tabby and Zeke are very bright, indeed, but it is a rule that do not bring pets. If there is the person of allergy to animal, how does it turn out in a train? I think that they must follow the rule.


Rylant, Cynthia. (1998). Mr.Putter & Tabby Take the Train. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[139 words]


Today, the finalists of THE MANZAI were decided. THE MANZAI is the biggest meeting to decide the best of the comedian in Japan. M-1 Grand Prix was held every year until two years ago, but it ended. I watched THE MANZAI last year. The champion was PANK BOO BOO. The finalists of this year are them; TEN DOLLAR, WOMAN RUSH HOUR, HAMAKA-N, OJIN OZU BO-N, TRENDY ANGEL, NON STYLE, G-shack, CHIDORI, SUPER MARADONA, ALCO & PEACE, WARAIMESHI. I think there are some not famous comedians in there, but I cheer them. I am looking forward to this meeting. Specifically, please go to the site. ↓

[106 words]

Typing Homewrk 10: My favorite actor and actress

There are many actors and actresses on TV programs, and there are some my favorite actors and actresses, too.
My favorite actor is Kenta Kiritani. I kner him when he appeared in "ROOKIES". He appeared in it as Hiratsuka. Hiratsuka was very funny role. I became to like him then. After "ROOKIES" finished, he appeared in "Meteor's bond". I watched it. It was very interesting. He can act funny role and serious role. I think his gap is very cool!
My favorite actress is Miho Kanno. She is a famous and popular actress in Japan. She appears in many dramas. I liked "Kiina" which was her drama starring. She is appearing “I don’t marry” now. I think that she has high acting ability. She won many prizes. Though she is an actress, she appears in many variety programs. People who acted in the same play by a variety program say that she is an openhearted and good person severally. I think that it must be the truth because good personality oozes out from her. She appears in many commercials, too. I like a commercial of a Suntory highball that she appears. Moreover, she is very cute! I can’t believe that she is 35 years old. I like her very much!

[210 words]

Nov 29, 2012

My new boots!

I bought new boots on Monday. I wanted to buy work boots of Dr.Martin. However, they are expensive. There are many work boots that similar to boots of Dr. Martin, so I bought one of them. I bought red boots. I bought it in downtown. It was 4000 yen. I liked this at once. It is cute boots, isn't it?:)
[60 words]

Nov 25, 2012

Essay 2-02b: Complete revisions

I am going to tell you about my favorite place. I have many favorite places, so it is hard for me to choose one place. However, I chose one place. It is my house! I write about my house from now on.

I like my house. My house is my place of residence since I was born. My house is the third floor of the apartment. My house is very small, but it is comfortable for me to live. There is not my own room. To tell the truth, I want my own room, but I am not in need of it for the moment. There is my house comparatively towards a downtown. It is very useful for me.

There are good places in my house. First is living room. I spend most of the time for house which is in the house here. There is a table in the middle of living room. I do anything at the table. For example, eating, reading comic books, drawing pictures, watching TV programs, and so on. It is difficult for me to leave from the table more and more in the present season because I have kotatsu. The table is a low table, so I sit down on a legless chair. I have been using this legless chair for a long time. I can relax when I sit down at the table in living room.

Second good place in my house is a bedroom. I like futon than a bed, so I usually lie with the futon. I make room pitch-darkness whenever I sleep. There are my favorite pillow and blanket. I am happy when I am wrapped up in a blanket. I love sleeping, so I don't want to leave futon every morning.

Third good place in my house is a toilet. I bring some things when I go to the toilet. For example, smart phone, magazines, comic books and books. Moreover, I think the toilet is the place that is just right to think about things. I think about many things there. Many people will not think that people stay long in a toilet to be good. However, I stay long in the toilet in spite of myself. May be, I am a nuisance to my family, but I can't readily stop it.

My house is very good for me to live. However, I don't want to do that I don't go out of my house all the time. I think when I came home from the other places, I felt my house is good. May be, I will live in my house for the time being. I want to make good house such as my house in the future.

[450 words]

BR 2-12: Mr.Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold

He had a Thermos strapped to his back and he was wagging his tail. (p.17)

This book is a kind of Mr.Putter and Tabby series. New characters appeared. Their names are Mrs.Teabery and Zeke. I was convinced that Mr.Putter doesn't have any friends,  so I surprised when Mrs.Teabery and Zeke appeared. However, I am relieved to read it.

I think Tabby and Zeke have clear heads. I was impressed by Tabby's sitting on Mr.Putter's head to keep it warm while he read a newspaper. I was also impressed by Tabby's rubbing Mr.Putter to help him feel better. However, I have laughed unintentionally when he sneezed towards her face. Zeke is very smart dog. And he is very cute! I want to have him...


Rylant, Cynthia. (2003). Mr.Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[137 words]

Aeonmall Kumamoto(・ω・)ノ

Today, I went Kumamoto Clair with my mother. Yesterday, my mother said "Let's go to Clair together tomorrow". I had to do homework, but I want to go there too, so I consented it. We got up at 7:00 a.m. today, and went out our home at 8:00 a.m. We went there by bus because we don't have a car. It took about 40 minutes. After we arrived Clair, there was full of people in spite of what just opened. We went to UNIQLO first of all. We bought many clothes. I bought black pants and new jeans. I want them very much, so I am satisfied. My mother bought Heat Teck. I think Heat Teck is a necessary article in winter. After we left UNIQLO, we strolled in the second floor of clair. I wanted new coat. However, the second floor did not have the thing which appealed. It was just lunch time, we went down in the first floor and ate lunch in Sushi-Ichiba. We like Sushi very much, but near the house does not have a revolving sushi bar, so we were happy to eat sushi. I love a salmon. I ate them a lot! After we ate lunch, we strolled in the first floor, but the first floor did not have the thing which appealed, too. We ate 31 Ice Cream. I like 31 Ice Cream than Haagen-Dazs because it is cheap and has many various of ice cream. After we left 31 Ice Cream, we went AEON and ride a bus to Kotsu-Center. We came back to home at about 4:00 p.m. I was very tired, but I had a good day.
[277 words]

Typing Homework 9: My favorite games

I like to play games. I have favorite games, so I write about them. First my favorite game is Tetoris. I think Tetoris is very famous and popular game. Tetoris is puzzle game. I have to use my head when I play the game, so it is good exercise for me. Whenever I play the game, I leave one gap lengthwise and pile up blocks. When an oblong block comes, I put it in a gap! Then, four steps of blocks piled up disappear in a mass. It is very pleasant. However, an oblong block sometimes does not readily come, so I can’t delete blocks, and it becomes the game over. I like other puzzle games, but I think Tetoris is the best puzzle game. Second my favorite game is Pocket Monster. It is famous and popular, too. There are many kinds of games of Pokemon. I have seven game cassettes among the series. The game of Pokemon is sold by Nintendo. This game is role-playing game. I can go for an odyssey with my monsters. They are very dear. I feel parental love. I defeat Jim Leaders of each place during odyssey. I am excited when I battle against them. I want to play Pokemon now!!
[207 words]


November 22 was "the day of good couple". We can read 1122 "ii-fufu" in Japanese. So, I drew this picture.

They are TUTORIAL. I think they are good combination. They are not couple, but a pair of stand-up comedians is similar to a couple. They have to perform perfectly in tune with each other. Moreover, they are very good friends. They have bonds of friendship. I want them to be good friends in the future.
[75 words]

Nov 18, 2012

BR 2-11: Mr.Putter & Tabby Pour the Tea

Mr.Putter was tired of living alone. (p.7)

I think this story is very tender. Mr.Putter and Tabby are very good combination! The single life of the old man must be lacking. I think that he would spend the lonely life. Tabby is old cat, so she would spend the lonely life, too. They helped each other. I think that it is very splendid relations.

If I become lonely in the old age, I want to have a cat and have a life like them. They are my ideal.

By the way, I was surprised that Tabby eats muffin, and drinks tea. Is it real?


 Rylant, Cynthia. (1994). Mr.Putter & Tabby Pour the Tea.  Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.
[118 words]

Cat (=^・ω・^=)

I see wild cats well recently near a university and my house. I love cats, but I can't have cats in my apartment, so I am glad to see cats. They are so pretty! I want to cantact with them, but they don't approach much me. They escaped in at full speed the other day when I approached them with a foxtail. I was shocked... I want to stroke them! I want to play with them!! I think whether I cannot but finally feed it...
[85 words]


Line up in order of height!

I drew this picture yesterday! They line up in order of height. They are TUTORIAL, PEACE and NON STYLE. Do you know them? I like them! From the left, it is Matayoshi, Inoue, Ayabe, Ishida, Fukuda, Tokui. Matayoshi and Ayabe are small, so PEACE is small pair.
[47 words]

Typing Homework 8: My favorite season

My favorite season is spring. I like summer, fall and winter, but I like spring the best. There are many good points in spring. First, spring is warm. I don’t like too hot and too cold. It is very happy for me to take a walk in warm weather. Second, when it is spring, many flowers bloom, and trees are beautiful. The nature of spring is wonderful. I like flower viewing. We can enjoy seeing cherry blossom, talking with friends and drinking. Of course, I went to see cherry blossom this spring. By the way, it is said that spring is an encounter and a parting season all right, but I think it is very good because it means I can make many friends. Moreover, I have spring vacation in spring! I can do a lot of things during spring vacation, so I like spring very much.
[147 words]


I went Fukuoka to go TUTORIAL's solo concert last Monday. I was looking forward to going there. I have never seen live TUTORIAL. I wanted to see them very much!! So, I was very happy when I got a ticket.

I went to the university on that day because I had classes. After I took 2 classes, I went back home and went to Fukuoka. The site which was held concert was in Sawara in Fukuoka. I rode a bus from Kotsu-Center to Tenjin. It took 2 hours. I spent time while listened to music. I arrived Tenjin at about 5:30 p.m. I went to a bus stop, and I rode a bus from Tenjin Station. The bus went to Fujisaki. It took about 20 minutes. I arrived Fujisaki. The site was near to the bus stop of Fujisaki. When I arrived the site, there were many people. They lined up in front of the site. I joined the line and waited opening. At 6:30 p.m., the site opened. I went to the place where was sold goods immediately. I was able to get a T-shirt somehow while suffering hardship in a crowd. There was still time a little until a performance began, so I went to the toilet and entered to the site. My seat was the second of the D line. The line is near to the stage!

I waited little time, and the performance started!! I don't have to write about contents of the concert because this concert is one of the national tour's concerts. Fukuoka was the first day! So I can't write anything, but it was very interesting!! I had a good laugh! I was happy to see TUTORIAL. Watching their comic dialogue with my naked eyes was one of what I wanted to do before I died. I had a very happy time. The performance was held for 2 hours 45 minutes! I was satisfied. After it ended, I went Tenjin and rode a bus, and I arrived Kumamoto at about 12:30 a.m.

TUTORIAL held solo concert 3 years ago, but I couldn't go there because I didn't have a part-time job and the concerts are not held in Kyusyu. So, I was really happy to see them. This is my the best memory of my lifetime. I love TUTORIAL very much!!
[385 words]

Nov 11, 2012

BR 2-10: The Bookstore Valentine

"They are too shy to send these notes," said the mice. (p.38)

This story was very pretty. Characters in this story are very charming. I think Mr. Brown and Cobweb are good combination! Cobweb is very smart and cute. Mice are good, too. The mouse was apt to be written in the crafty character, but all mice which came out to this story were pretty. I think Mr.Brown's ties are very fashionable! I like his fashion.

I think Mr.Brown and Ms.Button are very innocent. They are innocent to throw it away without being able to hand the love letter which they wrote with much effort with them! However, I am glad that they were finally bound together on the coattails of Cobweb and mice!


 Maitland, Barbara. (2002). The Bookstore Valentine. New York, NY: Puffin Easy-to-Read edition.
[137 words]


I went Hakata yesterday because a performance was held in Canal City Hakata. The performance was "Rorschach". A person called Kentaro Kobayashi deals with direction and the script of the work, and himself appears in a work, too. He is member of "RAHMANS". Rahmens is conte group. I love it, so I decided to go this performance.

I got up at 11:15 a.m. and prepared. I went to Kumamoto station and met Akane. We rode the Shinkansen Tubame. It was happy and excited to get on the Shinkansen because it was rare. Shinkansen is very fast! We arrived Hakata and strolled Hakata station because the performance starts at 7:00 p.m. We had gift certificates for 1,500 yen, so we did shopping using it each. I bought two T-shirts after having been at a loss badly. Akane bought a pass holder. We spend a lot of time there. Then, we went Canal City. We confirmed the distance to a theater. After that, we strolled again. At about 5:00 p.m., we ate dinner in Pietro ahead of schedule. I ate tomato source spaghetti of bacon and the spinach, and Akane ate fish and rice casserole of a shrimp and the adductor muscle. It was good. I like Petro very much. After dinner, we took Purikura.

Then, we went to the theater because it was time for opening. There were many people in the theater! I admired the numerousness of the surplus person. It was what I knew, but thought that after all Kentaro Kobayashi was great. In the place to sell goods, it was stood in line. However, I bought nothing. We sit down seats and went toilet. It was 7:00p.m., and the performance finally began!

I write a summary of this performance. There are four people in this performance. They live in Kabegiwa island. The island is surrounded by the walls. They were selected for member of reclamation. As for them of the first meeting, a sled was not correct first. They have a fault toward each and come to gradually cooperate while they are going to fix it. However, the cannon that they practiced beating for reclamation was an attack toward people considered to be actually in the other side of the wall...

The performance was wonderful! We had a very good time. After the performance finished, the cast received standing ovation. The applause did not stop sounding for a long time. It was really wonderful. To tell the truth, the performance was a repeat performance of the things which performed in 2010. So, if you are interested in this performance by this post, you can borrow DVD in rental shops. Please borrow it!

After we leave the theater, we went back to Hakata station. We bought souvenir, and rode Shinkansen, and came back to Kumamoto. Yesterday was very wonderful day! I love Kentaro Kobayashi;)
[475 words]


I went to Vege-tejiya with Ayaka and Reiko last Thursday. Vege-tejiya is a specialty store of sam-gyeopssal. My friend, Haruna works there, so we went there. We met in Bipuresu at 5:30 p.m. and went Bege-tejiya by walk. The shop which just opened in July, both the appearance and the interior decoration were beautiful.

I didn't know sam-gyeopssal. However, I looked up the words, and I understood. Sam-gyeopssal is famous Korean food. First, we grill pork, and cut them. We wrap the pork, koch'ujang, slice of long green onion and kimchi with Sanchu. Sanchu is kind of lettuce. I wrap namul and the bean sprout of the Japanese radish, Korean laver, the rice cake together elsewhere.

I and Ayaka ate sam-gyeopssal for the first time. It was very very good!! We ordered course menu. The rate was cost per head 2,500 yen, but we became very full finally. Closing it in the last was Bibimbap. Haruna fried it in a heart(*´∀`*) It was very pretty. I spent very good time! I want there again!!
[176 words]

Essay 2-02a: Complete draft

I am going to tell you about my favorite place. I have many favorite places, so it is hard for me to choose one place. However, I chose one place. It is my house! I write about my house from now on.

I like my house. I live here since I was born. My house is the third floor of the apartment. My house is very small, but it is comfortable for me to live. I don't have my own room. To tell the truth, I want my own room, but I am not in need of it for the moment. I like that there is my house comparatively towards a downtown.

There are good places in my house. First is living room. I spend most of the time for house which is in the house here. I have a table in living room. I do anything at the table. For example, eating, reading comic books, drawing pictures, watching TV programs, and so on. It is difficult for me to leave from the table more and more in the present season  because I have kotatsu. The table is a low table, so I sit down on a legless chair. I have been using this legless chair for a long time. I can relax when I sit down at the table in living room.

Second good place in my house is a bedroom. I like futon than a bed, so I usually lie with the futon. I make room pitch-darkness whenever I sleep. I have favorite pillow and blanket. I am happy when I am wrapped up in a blanket. I love sleeping, so I don't want to leave futon every morning.

Third good place in my house is a toilet. I bring some things when I go to the toilet. For example, smart phone, magazines, comic books and books. Moreover, I think the toilet is the place that is just right to think about things. I think about many things there. Many people will not think that people stay long in a toilet to be good. However, I stay long in the toilet in spite of myself. May be, I am a nuisance to my family, but I can't readily stop it.

I really like my house. However, I don't want to do that I don't go out of my house all the time. I think when I came home from the other places, I felt my house is good. May be, I will live my house for the time being. I want to make good house such as my house in the future.
[434 words]

Typing Homework 7: My favorite clothes

I like black and white and gray clothes because these colors are faultless. The most of the clothes which I have are those colors. I like simple clothes. I often wear parka. It is very comfortable, and it is easy to match with any clothes. I often wear border and polka dots clothes. My friend said to me, "you looked good with polka dots" before, and I was glad. I like boots in particular with the shoes. Generally I wear boots other than summer. My favorite boot is an engineer boot. I want a work boot now! I also like to see various clothes. I like men’s suit style. In other words, I like tie style. I think that the man dressed in the suit looks cooler. And I like to see and wear Kimono. I want to become a person looking good with a kimono!
[146 words]

Nov 3, 2012

BR 2-09: Daniel Radcliffe

The three children are quickly good friends. (p.7)

I chose this book because I love Harry Potter. I know Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, but I didn't know about him before the role of Harry.

I thought whether the part of Harry was his first work, but it was different. His first job was  David Copperfield. I didn't know the work, but after examining it, seemed to be a famous work. He is great!

I thought Daniel is the right boy for the role of Harry. I love Harry Potter seriese. I read all of them. I am glad to  know that he read the Harry Potter series. And I like Harry, Ron and Hermione. I am glad to know that they are good friends, too.

I want to watch him in a screen, but Harry Potter seriese ended. I pray for his activity from this!


 Shipton, Vicky. (2008). Daniel Radcliffe. Edinburgh, Scotland: Pearson Education Limited.
[156 words]


I designed a T-shirt! It is Doraemon T-shirt. May be, all of Japanese know Doraemon. Doraemon is very famous and popular character. I like him. Anyone can taste Doraemon feeling if I wear this T-shirt. Of course, the part of the four-dimensional pocket is real pocket, so there can produce a thing like Doraemon. Though someone should make it.
[59 words]

Unforeseen occurrence!

An unforeseen occurrence happened the other day. I sent a fan letter to Kousuke Masuda who is a cartoonist in this summer. His masterpiece is Gagmanga-Biyori. I like this comic very much since I was first grader of junior high school. I loved reading his comics for a long time, but I have never sent a fan letter. So, I wrote the things that I thought of concerning him and impression of comics,and sent it. On the half-forgotten other day including having sent a fan letter, an answer arrived from him. I was very surprised!! He is very busy, so I thought that he doesn't have enough time to return an answer. I was very happy(>ω<) I want to support him from now on!
[124 words]

Takuma Festival!

I went a school festival in KGU with Ayaka on this Thursday. I and Ayaka met in front of PARCO and went to GARDEN PARTY to eat lunch. I went there for the first time. It was so-so. After we ate lunch, we went KGU by bus. I went Takuma Festival for the first time. First, we went 432 classroom. A tea ceremony was held there. I went there to meet Ai, Mitsuki and Sahoko. We took picture, and after that, I and Ayaka drunk tea. It was very good! And teacakes are good, too^^ I and Ayaka left 432 classroom, and we strolled around. We bought yakitori that sold by Health and Physical Circle. After that, I and Ayaka went back downtown. I wanted to go shopping, but I bought nothing because there was not the thing which appealed. I and Ayaka said good-bye each other at about 6:00 p.m. It was good day:)
[155 words]

Typing Homework 6: My favorite class

My favorite class is Japanese literature reading. The professor is Ms.Akai. I wanted to take the class when I was a freshman, but it was from a second grader that I could take this class. I read Japanese literature and consider the characters’ feelings, figurative expressions and more in this class. There are many famous Japanese novelists’ literary works in the textbook. I like reading novels, so this class is interesting for me. However, I have this class in third period, so I always feel sleepy. I take this class with Yuki, but she sleeps almost every time. It is slightly interesting. There are some parts which a writing style is hard to read a little unlike now because the most of a literary works appearing in this textbook are the things of modern times. I want to come to easily understand them.
[143 words]

Oct 30, 2012


I went karaoke with Yuki today! We went there at about 10:00 a.m.  I and Yuki have always Political Science and Theory of International Organization on Tuesday, but we didn't have Political Science today. Theory of International Organization is the fourth period, so we went karaoke before it. We went Croquette Kurabu in downtown. I went that store for the first time! We enjoyed karaoke for three and a half hours, but my voice did not come out as having thought for a while because I just got up. I sang songs of Ringo Shina and Tokyo Jihen. I want to become able to sing better! After we left karaoke, we went the university. We took Theory of International Organization. Yuki was sleeping( ̄∀ ̄) I have five straight holidays from tomorrow! I want to leisurely holidays.
[139 words]

A pigeon...(゜д゜)!?

I went the university to take Cultural Anthropology on 18th October. After it ended, I went down the stairs for the next class. When The inside of the window, I feel a sense of incongruity. A pigeon was on the inside of the window. In short, the pigeon is inside!!! I was very surprised. I do not know what happened to the pigeon afterwards. Why would he be in the room?
[71 words]

Oct 28, 2012

BR 2-08: Karen and the Artist

"They're extraordinary," he says.  (p.8)

The artist who names Antonio is little self-centered. He has a talent, indeed, but the act that he leaves a picture, and the money does not pay is annoying to a barman. I think he lacks of common sense. For such him, Karen might be a savior. I think Karen is a reliable person and smart. If it is her, it will be served out an agent magnificently. However, may she do the coexistence of a cabin attendant and the agent? I think it is hard for her. Moreover, I seem that Antonio depends on her. If he is successful as a painter, as for Karen, a living will become easy.


 Laird, Elizabeth. (1999). Karen and the Artist. Edinburgh, Scotland: Addison Wesley Longman.
[129 words]

Oct 27, 2012

Typing Homework 5: My favorite flowers

I have some favorite flowers. First, I like cherry blossom because my name is Sakura! I like cherry blossom very much. I go to see cherry blossoms in Ninomaru-Park with my friends every year. Cherry blossoms are very beautiful, but I like the storm of falling cherry blossoms, too. It is little regrettable. I also like fragrant orange-colored olives. I like those smells very much. I feel autumn when I smell fragrant orange-colored olives. I also like cosmoses. They are very cute. Cosmoses are written as "cherry blossom of autumn" in a kanji. I think that the kanji is very good. I have gone Moenosato. Cosmoses bloom all around there in autumn. There is Moenosato near Tawarayama. I do not visit there considerably anymore. I want to go again there.
[130 words]

Oct 26, 2012

Essay prep: my favorite places

My favorite places
  • My house
    • bedroom
      • futon
    • toilet
    • legless chair
      • TV
      • comic books
      • table
  • Downtown
    • book store
      • books
      • comic books
      • CDs
      • DVDs
    • cafe
      • tea
      • cake
    • tailor's shop
      • SPINNS
      • PARCO
        • RNA
        • g.u
        • POU DOU DOU
      • News
        • Ne-net
  • University
    • library
    • building No.3
    • classroom
[70 words]

Oct 20, 2012

BR 2-07: The Old Woman Who Named Things

She didn't like the idea of being a lonely old woman without any friends, without anyone whom she could call by name. (p.4)

I am glad because the old woman was not lonely finally. I named my iPod and my bicycle, but I feel loneliness like her, and it is because there is merely attachment not treasure. Incidentally, my iPod's name is Ashley and my bicycle's name is Natasha.

By the way, I was surprised that the old woman's car which named Betsy was so cool...! Her house, bed and chair were cute. I feel a sense of incongruity. If Lucky dies earlier than the old woman, it is that she becomes lonely again to be one worry.


 Brown, Kathryn. (1996). The Old Woman Who Named Things.  Florida, USA: VOYAGER BOOKS.
[132 words]

BR 2-06: Good Night, Good Knight

So he bent and kissed each scaly little cheek. (p.41)

I chose this book because the illustration is cute, and I think the title is little interesting. There were some I read this story, and thinking.

First, I wonder how three little dragons slept so far. Indeed were they sleeplessness so far? It is hard to think so. Was the act that had a Good Knight work as them really necessary? It means that Good Knight must continue the same thing every night from now on really, if necessary.

Second, I think a Good Knight is not "good" Knight. He is easy to deal with. He was called to come four times at the midnight and I was honest and coped. I read this story and was irritated by the second when he was called to come. His horse is an amazed look, too finally.


 Thomas, Shelley. (2000). Good Night, Good Knight. New York, NY: Puffin Easy-to-Read edition.
[159 words]